Wednesday 20 February 2013


Gyuto monastery in Little Lhasa. does it remind you of something? Yes, "The Karmapa Controversy". The recognition of the seventeenth Karmapa, the head of the Karma Kagyu sect of Tibetan Buddhism, has been the subject of controversy. Since the death of the sixteenth Karmapa, two candidates have been put forward:-
  • Urgyen Trinley Dorje
  • Trinley Thaye Dorje   
Now coming back to the Gyuto monastery, Gyuto Tantric University is one of the great monastic institutions of the Gelug Order. It was founded in 1475. In Tibet monks who completed their geshe studies would be invited to join Gyuto or Gyume, another tantric instituion, to receive a firm grounding in Vajrayana practice. Both the monasteries used to be in Lhasa, but they have been re-established in India. At the time of Chinese invasion, 60 Gyuto monks fled to India. After initially gathering in Dalhousie, India, the monastery was established in Tenzing Gang in Arunachal Pradesh, India. The main monastery is now based in Sidhbara, near Dharamshala, India.

Here are some pictures from the main monastery based in Little Lhasa.

As I enter, the first thing I come across is this monk. The photographer monk, that is how he is known.

 Now moving ahead I see these kid monks, looking at me through the windows of their rooms.

All of them came running down, just to see their pictures in the LCD. Their were a lot of laugh when I showed them the pictures. 
While I was showing the kid monks their pictures, I see another kid monk who was coming back after fetching water to make their lunch.

The Main Building.

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